Saturday, June 24, 2017

Ninth City Burning by J. Patrick Black

What will the future bring? For the denizens of Earth and cities like Ninth it brings a constant threat of alien invasion. War with the Valentines, so called because that was the day they originally attacked Earth is an ongoing effort, held in realms that are spread out beyond Earth itself. Each city is responsible to help hold off incursions with massive guns but it is the people in this new found resistance that are important. There are those who are able to use thelemity, a universal magic, to provide the final protection for those who have no such abilities and they are the ones the aliens need to destroy in order to take over the world.

As we follow Black's story we are introduced to several young people who are engaged in this fight to the death, not all capable of thelemity themselves but bringing forth the fight straight to Valentine as they face the ultimate battle with an enemy who has suddenly changed tactics which will reveal that this war is coming to an ultimate conclusion. The Valentines are tired of war and have amassed for complete decimation of Earth. Mankind's last stand will be seen through the eyes of these few who will determine if we triumph against massive odds.

At first I found this a little grueling to get through but I have to say that by the end of the book you're really invested in these characters who much like you are struggling to live in a hostile world that they care for. Lives are lost and honor bestowed as each of them realizes that to evacuate Earth is not a choice if it means not everyone gets out alive. They will fight for those who cannot or die knowing they tried. Valiant and courageous, they help to overlook any small flaw that trips you up. And did I mention there's semi sentient suits of magical armor? Knights of the future still make great story telling too. Looking forward to the continuation.

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