Monday, March 21, 2016

The Adventures of Lettie Peppercorn by Sam Gayton, Poly Bernatene (Illustrations)

This is about a young girl called Lettie who will discover just how special she really is. It all begins one day when a snow merchant presents himself at Lettie's inn and declares he is there because she and only she is the right customer for his wares. What the snowflakes set into motion is the adventure of a lifetime as Lettie sets out to find her missing mother and uncovers a story years in the making which will reveal a story about the powers of love and the destruction of jealousy set in a world where alchemy is alive and well. Where young men carry their future on their shoulders and evil grannies greedily grasp for treasures they cannot comprehend. A world where the first snows fall for a very special reason. Full of imagination, laughs, and warmth, this is a lovely book for a young reader to add to their collection.

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