Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Aleph by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho is a favorite author of mine. I have read many of his books and have always found them entertaining if not something I would add to my personal library. So why have I given this talented writer only two stars you ask? Well, I thought about how to explain my train of thought with a little analogy. 

If you've ever been introduced to someone at a party who's conversation left you reeling from trying to make heads or tails out of it, then you can begin to picture this novel. The conversation/story pulls you in because you are genuinely interested. But when you try to follow this logically you find yourself getting lost in the attempt. You want to understand but you just can't get a firm grip on what is actually being said/told. The deeper you delve the more you realize you have absolutely no idea whats happening. Every time you find a foot hold you slip again into the unknown.

Now, if you've ever read any of Coelho's works you know that he has a transcendental touch to his stories that evoke the peace and harmony that each of us is searching for. However in this book I couldn't quite click with it since the lyrical sense that he imbues in his books does not come across smoothly but is deterred numerous times by the reader's inability to keep reading without scoffing or just plain gawking at the scenes unveiling before their eyes. Frankly I kept reading because I wanted him to magically pull me through this story into an appreciation of the talent it took to write it. But this time the magic fell flat.

Yet, to repeat myself, this is still one of my favorite authors and I do think that if you are a reader who likes to find themselves in their books this is one you should pick up because it will make you search harder than any self help book out there. Just so you can say, Hey! I get it. If or when that happens just drop me a note. I could always use a little soul growing myself.

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