Monday, December 21, 2015

"The Enchanted Castle" by E. Nesbit

This is a classic tale of four children who stumble upon a fairy tale castle inclusive of a sleeping princess just like in their fairy tales. Except she's not really a princess but the housekeeper's niece but there is a magic ring that grants wishes. So the four intrepid youngsters decide too each have a turn but things are not as simple as wishing, for everything has a price and the magic that lives at Yalding is an ancient one that is more powerful than the children could ever know. From bringing cobbled together coat creatures to life and causing unsuspecting invisibility, to growing spurts that would make your mom swoon this has a little bit of everything for the child who's imagination, like the children in the book, knows no bounds. 

Noel Coward considered Nesbit to be the most talented writer at being able to evoke the hot summer days of a child's childhood, of the charming, evocative stories she wrote with such a light hand and charm. H. G. Wells wrote her a note in which he said he esteemed her and bowed before her after having read her book The Phoenix and the Carpet. Other great writers like George Bernard Shaw and Rudyard Kipling were fans as well, so what are you waiting for. Before J. K. Rowling, there was E. Nesbit.

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