Thursday, November 26, 2015

"Mrs. Jeffries Defends Her Own" by Emily Brightwell

When a businessman is found shot to death in his office Inspector Witherspoon is all ready in the middle of a case and Mrs. Jeffries is not expecting to have to solve yet another murder. But when the visitor that appears at her door appeals to her for help in order to prevent from being labeled a murderer she realizes that not only must she get involved in order to safe family but she will have to do so without arousing the attentions of Inspector Witherspoon nor the odious Nivens who is determined to oust Mrs. Jeffries and her cohorts as the real reason for the Inspector's success rate. With so many obstacles in her way Mrs. Jeffries may need to branch out in new directions to find out the who, what, where, how and most importantly why. And what she discovers may change her understanding of the husband she loved so dearly.

Another installment in this great series.

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